Regional single-processed brown hardwood mulch
Plant bed with natural edge created by a spade
Use a regionally specific, single processed brown hardwood mulch.
Hardwood bark mulch is defined as at least 85% lignin (bark) and generally produced from the debarking of logs at a sawmill or papermill.
Mulch should pass chemical testing for CCA treated wood contaminants.
Do not use mulch that is dyed (ie red), or mulch that contains cypress, pine, recycled content or green waste.
Installation and maintenance:
When installing near trees:
Do not mound up near tree base.
Install a minimum 3 inches layer of hardwood bark mulch around all trees and in all planting areas. Create a natural spaded edge where planting beds meet turf.
When installing near the building edge:
Mulch should be kept 18 inches from building edge, and any other wood, vinyl or deck areas as a fire prevention measure.
Use non-combustible materials such as rock or pea stone in between building edge and mulch as well as around gas meters or other combustible portions of the structure.
Create and maintain a slope away from the building.
Do not install mulch near smoking receptacles or designated smoking areas.
To prevent deep smoldering, do not pile mulch layers more than 3 inches.
Landscape beds adjacent to walkways shall be graded to prevent wash out of mulch into walkways.
Metal edging is only required between crushed granite or gravel and sod/plants.
No edging is required for landscape beds adjacent to concrete drives, walkways or curbs. Landscape beds adjacent to walkways shall be graded to prevent wash out of mulch into walkways.