Plant trees minimum 3 feet from any curb or sidewalk and 6 feet from any building or structure.
Do not plant trees in an area where it will obstruct visibility to the building, signage, lighting or street traffic.
Trees planted in turf areas should install a 5 feet diameter mulch ring to allow for proper turf maintenance without disturbing the tree.
Install a minimum 3 inches layer of hardwood bark mulch around all trees and in all planting areas. Create a natural spaded edge where planting beds meet turf areas.
Consider size of tree at maturity when planting in relation to structures and pavement.
Use a mix of deciduous, semi-evergreen, and coniferous trees.
For extensive pruning across a property, hire a local arborist.
Prune in late winter before any new leaf buds have formed.
Never remove more than ¼ of a tree’s canopy in a season.
Remove broken, dead, dying, diseased, or damaged branches.
Never leave stubs when pruning. Cut along line C when trimming branches. For large branches, make cut A and then cut B to remove the bulk of the branch before making a clean cut at line C.
Maintain the following clearances from ground to lowest branches:
Trees along streets: 14 feet
Trees along sidewalks: 8 feet
Trees along parking lots: 12 feet
Trees in landscape: no clearance requirements
Leaves on lawn/grass: mulch/shred leaves using a mower rather than collecting them and removing them from the property. Mulching the leaves return nutrients back to the soil and helps a healthy lawn return in the spring. If a landscape contractor is hired to conduct the work, mulching should also save on removal fees.
Leaves elsewhere: collect leaves and mulch/shred them. Spread mulched leaves in planting areas around the property.