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This BOD section should be used for selecting thermostats in both new construction projects to guide Architects, Engineers, and Development staff toward efficient heating + cooling solutions that are reliable and easy to maintain.
Be placed in a location out of the sun
Have easy to use settings
Attach firmly to the wall (no remotes)
Come factory set or set by mechanical sub to residential settings (not commercial)
Where POAH pays for heat, use limiting thermostats with the following temperature settings:
Maximum of 74F for heating (this satisfies HUD’s requirement of 68F)
Minimum of 72F for cooling
Air source heat pump systems should use a proprietary thermostat provided by the system manufacturer. If using a central VRF system, in addition to the general requirements listed above, please refer to the Controls requirements listed in the Heating and Cooling: New Construction Basis of Design section.
Chicago Controls Thermostats: HC7445 Residential Thermostat
HC7445 Residential Thermostat is factory set to limit heat to 74 degrees